Sobrevivir la muerte de un hijo no se realiza de acuerdo a un patrón fijo de emociones. Los diversos sentimientos y experiencias se asemejan al clima. Justo cuando crees que la tormenta ha pasado, ésta regresa para afectarte nuevamente.
Algunos padres han descrito la pena como olas. Cuando menos las esperas, se estrellan contra ti y te revuelcan. La pena es algo que se convierte en parte de tu vida. Nunca “la dejas atrás” o “la superas”. Es parte de ti, tal como tu hijo, siempre será parte de ti y nunca lo olvidarás.
Living after the death of a child is not done according to a fixed pattern of emotions. The various feelings and experiences are more like changes in the weather. About the time you believe the storm has passed, you find it returning to stir you again.
Some parents have described their grief as coming in waves. Just when you least expect it, you are struck by the wave and carried along with it. Grief is something you integrate into your life. You don’t “get through it” or “get over it.” You make it a part of you, just as your child will always be a part of you and never forgotten.
Book Information
Also available in English
Authors: Joy and Marv Johnson