A Grief Support System Checklist
My grief support system is current. Yes ___ No ___
It includes family, friends, colleagues, spiritual/religious support. Yes ___ No ___
There are people of varying ages in my support system. Yes ___ No ___
Many of these people are role models. Yes ___ No ___
I have similar interests to the people in my support system. Yes ___ No ___
The people in my support system can act quickly. Yes ___ No ___
Some people in my support system live close by. Yes ___ No ___
I’ve explored back-up resources for my support system. Yes ___ No ___
A support group is part of my support system. Yes ___ No ___
I turn to reliable online support when necessary. Yes ___ No __
I’ve reviewed my support system in the last six months. Yes ___ No ___
----------------About the Author
Harriet Hodgson, BS, MA has been a writer for 38 years, is the author of 37 books and thousands of articles. She is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists, Alliance of Independent Authors, Minnesota Coalition for Death Education and Counseling, and Grief Coalition of Southeastern Minnesota. Hodgson is a contributing writer for three websites, The Caregiver Space, The Grief Toolbox website, and Open to Hope.
She has appeared on more than 185 radio talk programs, and dozens of television stations, including CNN. A popular speaker, Hodgson has given presentations at public health, Alzheimer’s, caregiving conferences, and grief conferences, including The Compassionate Friends national/legal conferences. Please visit www.harriethodgson.com for more information about this busy wife, grandmother, caregiver, speaker, and author.