
Stay for the Cup of Coffee

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How to Support Others in Grief

When someone we care about experiences a major life loss, for many of us it’s instinctive to want to help. After all, we feel awful about what happened as well as what our friend or family member must be going through. So, we write a note, send flowers, or drop off a casserole.

These are all kind, helpful gestures, but what then? The grief journey takes a long time, and early on, most grievers are left to their own devices, lonely and struggling.

How do we continue to effectively support our grieving loved ones in the coming weeks, months, and even years?

This little book will help you understand how to really be there for grieving people. It will explain the basic principles of human presence and empathy and give you guidelines for reaching out to and spending time with those in grief.

The beautiful thing is this: All you have to do is stay for the cup of coffee.

You don’t need to supply answers or give advice. You don’t have to have special training or skills. All you need to do is be aware of simple concepts like hospitality and holding space. When you are genuine and present at regular intervals, grieving people can themselves be genuine in the presence of a caring listener—you! They learn they can share anything they’re thinking and feeling in the safety of your companionship. And cumulatively, these moments will help them express their grief over time and gain momentum toward healing.

The grieving people in your life need you. And you, in turn, may one day need them. This guide by one of the world’s most beloved grief counselors will help all of us be more responsive and compassionate to one another when we inevitably experience life losses.

Book Information

Author: Alan D. Wolflet, Ph.D.

118 pages

Approx. dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5" wide x 5/16" thick x 7" tall

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