
Dear Parents: Letters to Bereaved Parents from Bereaved Parents

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Dear Parents: Letters to Bereaved Parents from Bereaved Parents

This is a support group in book form.  It is a collection of letters from bereaved parents to bereaved parents with other helpful information.  Some of the people who wrote are Sauni Wood, Susan Evans, Karen Fulcher, Martha Clark, Marie Teague, Denise Gleason, Marion Cohen, Darcie Sims, Marilyn Gryte, Sherokee Ilse, Erma Bombeck, Janice Harris Lord, Sister Jane Marie Lamb, Martha Eise, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Earl Grollman, Dean Koontz and Joseph Wambaugh.
Each page will tell you what other bereaved parents and siblings went through and how you can cope.  It is filled with compassion and love.

Book Information

Author: Joy Johnson

ISBN-10: 1561230332

ISBN-13: 978-1561230334

A Centering Resource

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