

On Sunday, May, 22nd, I lost one of the most important and influential people in my life, my father. Although I have, and will always miss him, I was fortunate enough to have worked by his side in a family owned business for fifteen-years.

They were easily the most rewarding and memorable years of my life, in which he taught me many things, but showed me so much more.

It was during this time that we became extremely close; both my daughters were born; I bought my first home and experienced the loss of a grandparent, his father.

We also met a variety of very interesting people along the way from many walks of life, which allowed me to witness his interactions with others in amazement, as there was never a time that he didn’t treat everyone no matter who they were, the very same way, he himself would like to be treated.

He was truly inspiring and I could not have had a better role model. So, Dad this is for you, not only for all you’ve taught me, but also for what I have become. I hope it makes you proud.

Like Father, Like Son

I have followed in your footsteps,
you have taught me many things,
shown me many more.
Like, what it was to be a caring son,
takes to be a devoted father,
means to be a loving grandfather.
I will never forget all you taught me,
always treasure what you have shown me.
In life, it is less important what you are,
than what you become.
If I can become, as caring a son,
devoted a father, loving a grandfather,
It will be your legacy I keep.

©2000 Richard Lawrence Belford
Writer, a father of two daughters and the eldest of three sons who grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has been on a twenty-year creative journey that’s been fueled by his genuine desire to provide faith, comfort and hope to those in grief. This creative journey has not only allowed Richard to become a well published Inspirational Writer, but has also afforded him the privilege of sharing his universally heartfelt sentiments with others, sentiments that celebrate life, provide comfort, inspire faith and honor the memory of those dear to our hearts.


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