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Memories…remembering the very important person in your life who has died can be confusing and painful.  This memory book could be a support in accepting the loss and provide you with ways to express your thoughts and feelings about it.

This book was created as something helpful for youth to use as a memory book when someone they care about has died.  Not all people are able to verbalize their feelings.  Giving people the opportunity to express their grief through writing, drawing and playing is important.  The memorialization process promotes the acceptance of the reality of death and fosters the transition of the from a relationship with the person who died to the attainment of a realistic memory of the deceased.  It’s good for adults to share their feelings  with teens.  Teens may need extra permission to express their grief and can benefit by good role models who are open with their feelings.

Book Information

Author: Cheryl Hall-Kippen, BS, BSW, LSW

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