
No One Should See What I Have Seen: A Book for Those Who Have Experienced Terrifying and Horrific Tragedy

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No One Should See What I Have Seen:  A Book for Those Who Have Experienced Terrifying and Horrific Tragedy

If you have been awake all night, if dreams become terrors, if you can’t eat or want to eat all the time, if you feel as if you are encased in plastic, and when your family and persons who love you try to touch  you, you feel nothing; if you wonder what life is all about and whether it’s worth living anymore; your loved ones know you can say, No One Should See What I Have Seen.   If you have experienced terrifying, horrific tragedy, been in war, are a returning solider, witnessed a murder or other violent death, found someone who has completed suicide, have images of a loved one who died violently or experience fear and/or anger about a horrific event, this book is for you.  This book is for all of us.

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