Coping with Your Sadness and Knowing When to Get Help by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D. Recognizing that depression is a normal and natural component of grief, this compassionate guide helps mourners understand their depression, express it in healing ways, and know when they may be experiencing a more severe or clinical depression that would be eased by professional treatment. It proposes that grieving people do not necessarily need to be diagnosed with depression following the death of a loved one and guides them through exercises to express their depression in healthy ways. In a society where mourning and melancholia are often ignored, this book gives mourners the supported and reassurance necessary to understand and appreciate that their depression is a regular part of the grieving process...
Book Information
Author: Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D
ISBN-10: 1617221937
ISBN-13: 978-1617221934
1 Review
Just started this book, but so for it's excellent. Very helpful in reassuring individuals it's okay to grieve, but it's okay to move on and enjoy life.